Thursday, October 25, 2007

Estrogen replacement in menopause women

A study survey that women on menopausal needs estrogen not just to alleviate vasomotor systoms, but also to prevent a decline in heart and brain health. A professor from university in Australia said doctors and many women perceived hormone replacement as a mean of reducing vasomotor systoms like hot flush and night sweat, But menopause was not merely about these symptoms. He also said that estrogen deficiency had many undersirable effects, the least of which may be vasomotor symptoms.

The doctor also explained that difference parts of the female body had difference forms of estrogen receptors-alphaand beta-receptor. Alpha-receptors mediate faclitatory actions, It was therefore important to understand that although estrogen was mainly thought of as a hormone of the reproductive system, it was a fairly ubiquitous hormone in terms of its effect.

Estrogen attached to the alpha-receptors in the blood vessels, stimulating a cascade of events and mediating the release of nitric oxide, which is a potent dilator of arteries. When the supply was reduced as in menopause, a reduction of blood flow through the arteries ebsued. Estrogen also restores revascularization of arteries adding to its cardiac protection properties.


Blogger Unknown said...

Maintaining hormonal balance is the key. Menopause is all about declining estrogen levels. Nowadays lots of remedies are available but more and more women are opting for natural preventive measures. They help in keeping the menopause symptoms away with no side effects. I used Femestra which contains rice bran and gamma oryzanol and found it effective in alleviating hot flashes and mood swings. My vote is on Femestra. Check out

4:14 AM  

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