Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Problems associated with menopause

Menopause is a condition that is expected to become a serious health issue in the years to come. Therefore the sensible use of HRT in healthy menopausal women to treat vasomotoe systoms and to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, is warranted. However we must remember that taking HRT after menopause is solelt to maintain good health and to prevent disease. and cannot be used to treat existing disease.

Menopause receives very little attention because most women feel it is a phase of life that every woman must go through, that they have to ive with sagging breast, shrinking bladders and bone aches. Some woman may also develope facial hair due reduction of estrogen and the consequent effect of androgen on hair follicles. Futher into menopause, connitive decline sometimes sets in , leading to Alzheimer's and dementia.



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