Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Using of HRT in healthy menopausal women

Menopause is acondition that is expected to become a serious health problem to women in years to come. Using of HRT in healthy menopausal women to treat vasomotor symptoms and to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Taking HRT after menopause is to maintain good health and having a good sexual relation with your sponge. Beside taking HRT is possibly to prevent disease and HRT is not to be used for treating existing disease.

When the women's health initiative released its study finding associating long term HRT use with increases risk for heart disease and breast cancer, a storm ensued not only among women on HRT but the medical community as well. Although the dust has somewhat settled and the study results looked at objectively, there is still much to do to clear the air about HRT>


Problem associated with menopause

Manopause receives very little attention to most malaysian women because most women feel it is a phase of life that every women have to go through when they reach the time. Some women may women may delevelope facial hair due to the reduction of estrogen and the consequent effect of androgen on hair follicles. Others will experience with sagging breasts, shrinking bladders and bone aches.

Some women will experience family problems with husband , like having difficuities engaging sexual activities, beause the women will suffer vaginal pain as a result of vaginal dryness and the narrowing of the vaginal area.

Not only does menopause affect the women, it also indirectly affects her family and friends, Colleagues and family of the women will face the after effects of hot flushes and not enough of sleep ans this will cause relations to be strained. In oder to prevent stress in menopause women, and people around them, these women should be treated for symptoms and given counseling to be able to understand and better to handle the conditions.
