Monday, June 16, 2008

Menopause signals the end of fertility of a women

Menopause signals the end of fertility of a women and the normal or average age of a women who experience menopause is around the age of fifty. Most women who enter the menopause periods will experience many consecutive months without a periods. The average months when a women enter menopause without a periods is around ten to twelve months. Menopause is defined as a result of the normal decline in ovarian function.

Symptoms of menopause
most women experience is breast tenderness can be result to pain and swelling, Feeling muscle and joints aching and weakness in the muscle and joints. Cold or tinging feet and hands, allergies to food and medicine, anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue. women will find the dryness of the vaginal result to loss of sex drive. Most women will experience weight gain, sagging skin and bloating.

Others menopause symptoms are hot flushed where a women begin to sweat profusely and had to wake up from their sleep and dry their sweat and always would like places that is very cold. Feeling mood swing most of the time and low esteem. Hair start to loss or became tinning, dryness in skin and changes and always feel itching in the skin expectially around the vaginal area. Loss or problem of concentration or memory always tent to forget very easily.
